
Showing posts from November, 2017

Top Deck Games Tournament Experience

So I was able to go to Top Deck Game’s VS System tournament this past weekend in NJ. It was my first major VS System tournament and I didn’t do too well. While my record was 3-2, my two losses came from the first two matches. It was great to see some high competitive play, but also it was amazing seeing new types of decks. The breakdown for the tournament was: 4 Thor 3 Dark Phoenix 3 Kingpin 2 Jessica Jones 2 WO Ripley Starlord Mr Black Viv Vision *Ms Marvel* Wolverine Crystal Sister Grimm Elsa Karnak Deadpool Black Bolt I unfortunately decided to play it safe and played Kingpin, instead of the deck I originally wanted to play. I should have chosen the deck I wanted to play because everyone seemed ready for Kingpin decks. What I learned from the tournament was Fin Fang Foom is the best finisher, Net Launcher is OP and I should try something new instead of relying on the standard meta. Round 1 – Jessica Jones This deck was unique, it