
Showing posts from December, 2017

Dutch Deck Spotlight

A while back, I mentioned that I took the Kingpin deck to the NJ tournament because it was a safe bet. But leading up to the tournament I was testing out this deck. My first choice was Dutch. When I first look at main characters from the Predator set, I immediately gravitated towards Dutch. Pretty decent stats with a way to disrupt team attacks and what could be an easy way to level up. That second super power is what really grabbed my attention. Paying a yellow to put two -1/-1 counters on an attacking character is fine but if you amplify instead you can just KO the character is even better. (Note: this is built pre- SHIELD Vs HYDRA) The locations are pretty simple, four Headquarters, four red and four yellow. While this card is techinially a character she is used mostly as a location. Four Anna make sure you are able to activate “ My Men Are Not Expendable ” and “ Come On! Do It Now” . Since you are discarding her to activate these powers you also trigger ampli