Dutch Deck Spotlight

A while back, I mentioned that I took the Kingpin deck to the NJ tournament because it was a safe bet. But leading up to the tournament I was testing out this deck. My first choice was Dutch. When I first look at main characters from the Predator set, I immediately gravitated towards Dutch. Pretty decent stats with a way to disrupt team attacks and what could be an easy way to level up. That second super power is what really grabbed my attention. Paying a yellow to put two -1/-1 counters on an attacking character is fine but if you amplify instead you can just KO the character is even better.

(Note: this is built pre- SHIELD Vs HYDRA)

The locations are pretty simple, four Headquarters, four red and four yellow. While this card is techinially a character she is used mostly as a location. Four Anna make sure you are able to activate “My Men Are Not Expendable” and “Come On! Do It Now”. Since you are discarding her to activate these powers you also trigger amplify.

So Vriess is in the deck as a decent one drop and if your opponent has no fliers than they are forced to go through him and -1/-1 counter is a great way to possibly change next attackers or set up defensive options for you with your plot twists. 

Now I’m going to group these next three characters as hate cards, since they are used to annoy your opponent and disrupt their strategy. Scarlet Witch, Moonstone and Jessica Jones are here to force your opponent to attack you so that they can get rid of these threats. Scarlet Witch stopping your opponent from leveling up (they can still gain XP), Moonstone stopping your opponent from having and gaining Flight, and Jessica Jones stopping yellow based super powers like Dark Phoenix and Kingpin. 

My favorite card in this deck is Darkstar, basically a lower cost Groot but only focusing on face down resources. You will constantly pay the red so your opponent can’t team attack and there is a certain plot twist that is required to be played face down which again helps Darkstar. She is a decent card in the opening game but amazing if you get to the late game. A Leviathon Demolisher to impact the enemy board with -1/-1 counters and hit one of your opponent’s locations. Blain because I like the card draw and he has two wounds. Punisher is an amazing 5 drop with Lethal and another reason to have red locations. Ghost Rider since you are mainly a “good” deck and Fin Fang Foom because he is the best high cost character in the game.

I only play one M134 Minigun because it’s a decent equipment that can impact your opponent’s board drastically if you just attack once with it.
Plot twists are S*** Happens which sort of acts like a Cosmo with a -1/-1 counter. Death Trap is the plot twist in the deck it helps lower DEF and played from the resource row and replaces itself. Super Senses, since I’m playing defenders might as well you one of the best DEF boost plot twist in the game. Shock to the System and Find Cover for more ways to try and survive combats.

And that’s the deck, I felt pretty bad that I didn’t play this deck since everyone brought their own homebrews. I felt even worse the next day when I played with a friend and the deck was running smooth. If you want to see how I did at the tournament just click here. With the release of SHIELD Vs HYDRA time to tweak past decks and build new ones, until next time.

4x Vriess
4x Anna
3x Scarlet Witch
3x Moonstone
4x Darkstar
1x Leviathon Demolisher
3x Jessica Jones
4x Blain
2x Punisher
2x Ghost Rider
1x Fin Fang Foom

1x M134 Minigun

3x S*** Happens
4x Death Trap
2x Super Senses
4x Shock to the System
3x Find Cover

4x Headquarter
4x Red 
4x Yellow


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