Kingpin Deck Spotlight

Hey this is another Deck Spotlight and we are looking at The Kingpin of Crime, Wilson Fi…

I mean Kingpin.

The Kingpin deck is unique because it has 3 different ways of winning. It can win by dropping big giant supporting character, but also includes 2 game winning combos.

Locations you are going to play a total of 27 Locations. The main reason you play so much locations is that you want to consistently hit your location drops to level up Kingpin. Also, when you get level 3 Kingpin you want to “Take Over the World”. You are going to play playsets of Fisk Tower, Headquarters, earth, red, yellow. Now usually it doesn’t matter what kind of red or yellow location you play, but for the four green and three blue you will need to play the predator versions (I’ll explain later).

Let’s start with the character that will help you slow down your opponent and buy you time. Your one drops consist of four Iceman, four Wasp and 2 Cosmo. Early disruption from Iceman and Wasp, with Cosmo serving as a way to get through your opponent’s troublesome characters to deal damage. No two drops in this build but our three drops are ways to help out with three Blain to help put up a block that can net a card draw, and three CMO Clemens to heal wounds mostly on Kingpin. Two Gwenpool in case you are falling behind and need to level up though you should just drop her just to get the final 2 xp for Level 2 Kingpin.

The reason I Like to play Kingpin is that it contains 2 alternate ways to win that doesn’t involve combat.
Now if you saw this year’s Gen Con event you might be familiar with this combo. You will need to run four Taskmaster, two Ash, two
Private Hudson and two Valkyrie. Hopefully you leveled up Kingpin to level 3 because you are going to need all those resource points. You’ll need Valkyrie on the board. Now recruit Ash or Private Hudson it doesn’t matter which one is first as long as they are both on the board before Taskmaster.

When you recruit Taskmaster, it will go to your opponent’s side just like Ash did because it will gain “Special Orders”. Taskmaster is now under your opponent’s control which mean Taskmaster copies your
Priate Hudson’s “Game Over, Man”. So recruit another Taskmaster and it goes to your opponent’s side they KO their old one which triggers “Game Over, Man” wounding their main character. If you have all the pieces in your hand and triggered “Take Over the World” you should be able to do this combo at least twice and if Valkyrie is already on the board then it should be able to go four times.

The other way to win is a great new addition from the Predator set, Dutch.
The paying cost isn’t difficult and neither is protecting Dutch and Kingpin. Hopefully you ran through two Iceman or two Wasp. With Valkyrie you can freeze their board and have Wasp be on the front row to stop fliers and cancel one combat. You should be able to stack the front row with solid defense that Kingpin and Dutch should be able to “Get to the Choppa!”.

Now I did add a card that is a great counter if your opponent tries to “Get to the Choppa!” as well and is the reason we play the Predator specific locations. Jungle Hunter gives it Stealth and Invade and +6/+0. Also play one of Fin Fang Foom and one Dormammu. Foom is an excellent 8 drop that also has flight and Dormammu can revive some off your opponent’s supporting characters, you will have spare locations to use.

You don’t win fast with this deck, it’s going to be a long game. But I feel that this is one of the strongest decks that can win various ways. Not sure what deck I’ll try and test out maybe a deck that revolves an upcoming film.

4x Iceman
4x Wasp
2x Cosmo
3x CMO Clemens
3x Blain
4x Taskmaster
2x Gwenpool
2x Private Hudson
2x Ash
2x Valkyrie
2x Dutch
1x Jungle Hunter
1x Dormammu
1x Fing Fang Foom
4x Fisk Tower
4x Headquarters
4x Red (any kind)
4x Val Verdan Jungle
4x Yellow (any kind)
4x Earth
3x Predator Ship


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