A New Season, A New Beginning

     Hey this is Dredd 2PCG and I'm back. Unfortunately my laptop have been unable to edit some of the videos I have been planning. I had box openings of both Marvel Legacy and Predator expansions. So until I am able to build a new computer for solely editing videos (not just for this channel) I will be doing blog posts on the topics I wish to cover.

      Recently Gencon happened and I was unable to attend this year, but this year I'm going to try and work on the 2017-2018 season. I'm hoping for more tournaments, going to Gencon 2018 and experience the 10k tournament. I was able to get a friend to buy the Predator expansion and have already created a new deck that could be my absolute favorite.

So with this blog page, I do have a schedule I want to follow. 

Mondays - Deck Spotlights

Tuesdays - Spoilers, Ban/ Erratas, Set releases, VS System 2PCG News

Thursdays - Why (Franchise) should be in VS System

Fridays - Set / Card reviews

     Seems like a pretty self explanatory schedule. Monday I'm going to be doing deck spotlights on the multiple decks I have created. Currently I have 12 decks as of the writing of this post. 

    Tuesday's is basically a wild card day. If spoiler season is happening it will be me going over the cards. If news drops I'll give my thoughts on it. Tournament news. 

    Thursday's article is something I really want to talk about and that's certain franchise I want to see in VS System and why I think they are the perfect fit. 

    Friday's I will be reviewing whole sets and their impact to the game and also certain cards on why they are guarantee playables or non playables. 

    This Tuesday, I will post my thoughts on what is in store for VS System in 2018 and the changes in release schedule and a couple of other wild card post. And beginning next week the schedule goes into action with a deck spotlight of Wolverine.

    Keep an eye on the Facebook page for small updates and once I got a computer up and running expect to see more videos on the Youtube channel. Thanks for reading and Fight On.




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