How does the new release schedule affect the competitive scene


     This release schedule is set to drastically impact the competitive scene of VS System.
Now the competitive scene for VS System has been a bit off. With new sets being released either months apart or a month apart. When Defenders was delayed and delayed we got it only with a month apart from the release of A-Forces. In turn, this didn't leave any breathing room for the 50+ set before another 50+ set was released. This probably hurt Defenders as it was seen as a weak expansion. Players only gravitated to Shock to the System, Punisher and Luke Cage Main Character.

In a month, the format changed with players gravitating to A-Forces main characters of Captain Marvel, Mystique, Dark Phoenix and Sister Grim. Defenders didn't get too much love for their Main Characters. Even with new cards, they interacted very little with the past expansions as each new expansion just kept releasing new team affiliations. Currently we have 72 main characters, perhaps we can ease away from creating more main characters and focus more on support to help previous weaker ones.

While Monsters Unleash and Predator added a lot of great new cards, my favorite expansion this year was Legacy. We finally got support to the first 8 team affiliations. It gave us an Avenger Main Character that was top tier and supporting characters like Agent Peggy Carter and Falcon. In fact, each team got some great new supporting characters.

With the new release schedule, we could potentially get more support in these smaller expansions. This could help alleviate the problem of a stale competitive scene and keep players engaged with monthly shifting metas. What if we get an expansion that focused of the Guardians of the Galaxy and infinite stones? Newer versions of Star-Lord and Thanos, support for the Marvel Villains affiliations. Now why create newer versions of cards we already have?

Well it seems we are also getting a rotation. When asked how long these cards are going to stay in play, Bubby Johanson response was “two years”. How is rotation going to work? Do we keep the base set and lose the other expansions? We won’t just lose supporting characters but entire team affiliations. I think rotation is a great idea if this helps the creative focus on certain teams and not the entire collection of sets. While this does mean that our cards have an expiration date, we could also have two different formats, current rotation and a non-rotation format. This won’t force new players to buy previous expansions and stick with the new. The problem is whether we keep Marvel Base Set in rotation or do we create a new base set? Also, when would rotation happen? End of the year? After Gen Con? Hopefully Upper Deck will give more information as the year ends.
Stay tune next for my deck spotlight on Wolverine.


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