A shift in the release schedule 2018

In 2017, as of the writing of this post had 3 expansions released for VS System. We had Marvel Legacy, Predator, and Monster Unleashed with a 4th untitled Marvel set to be released in November. The Marvel Base Set was the only release in 2015 and in 2016 we had 3 set releases, Defenders, A-Forces and Aliens.

So, it looks like each year we had a small gradual increase in set releases. Though it seems that it will be radically different in 2018. In an interview with ICv2, Bubby Johanson, the Senior Product Manager for Upper Deck Entertainment, will be changing its release approach. The idea will be monthly releases of 56-60 cards a month.

                Another change for expansions is that there will be storylines throughout them. We are supposedly getting a Hydra vs Shield and something involving the X-men and the Avengers.

                There are many pros and cons to this change in schedule.

                One of the biggest difference in total new cards released yearly. In 2016, we had 3 small expansions with 150 total new cards. Then in 2017, we currently have 2 small and 1 big expansion with a total 200 total new cards with another small 50 cards set being released later this year. Now 56-60 cards new sets are probably 14-15 new cards (playsets of each) if they stick with the monthly schedule this could be 168-180. While a drop of new cards can be seen a con, I think this is actually a pro. Every new set release rarely sees more than half of its card pool being used. Let’s look at an example with the Aliens expansion, particularly the Covenant affiliation. We see at least 2 main characters and a total of 6 supporting characters. The special location is always used, but the equipment is not. So, in total 9 cards out of 26 cards are being used.    

                Price is also a change; the new expansions will be priced at $15. Let’s look back at this year, we will have bought 3 small and 1 big expansions. The total will be $140 and with the new model we will spend approximately $180. So, for less cards we will pay more but while price may have increased with less cards we may get more in-depth card development.

                Now I only looked at this in a way of “What do I get out it?” but next time I’m going to look at it in a competitive point of view. What do you think of this change? Do you want this change or stick with one release a quarter?  Leave a comment and check back for more.


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