
Showing posts from 2017

Dutch Deck Spotlight

A while back, I mentioned that I took the Kingpin deck to the NJ tournament because it was a safe bet. But leading up to the tournament I was testing out this deck. My first choice was Dutch. When I first look at main characters from the Predator set, I immediately gravitated towards Dutch. Pretty decent stats with a way to disrupt team attacks and what could be an easy way to level up. That second super power is what really grabbed my attention. Paying a yellow to put two -1/-1 counters on an attacking character is fine but if you amplify instead you can just KO the character is even better. (Note: this is built pre- SHIELD Vs HYDRA) The locations are pretty simple, four Headquarters, four red and four yellow. While this card is techinially a character she is used mostly as a location. Four Anna make sure you are able to activate “ My Men Are Not Expendable ” and “ Come On! Do It Now” . Since you are discarding her to activate these powers you also trigger ampli

Top Deck Games Tournament Experience

So I was able to go to Top Deck Game’s VS System tournament this past weekend in NJ. It was my first major VS System tournament and I didn’t do too well. While my record was 3-2, my two losses came from the first two matches. It was great to see some high competitive play, but also it was amazing seeing new types of decks. The breakdown for the tournament was: 4 Thor 3 Dark Phoenix 3 Kingpin 2 Jessica Jones 2 WO Ripley Starlord Mr Black Viv Vision *Ms Marvel* Wolverine Crystal Sister Grimm Elsa Karnak Deadpool Black Bolt I unfortunately decided to play it safe and played Kingpin, instead of the deck I originally wanted to play. I should have chosen the deck I wanted to play because everyone seemed ready for Kingpin decks. What I learned from the tournament was Fin Fang Foom is the best finisher, Net Launcher is OP and I should try something new instead of relying on the standard meta. Round 1 – Jessica Jones This deck was unique, it

Kingpin Deck Spotlight

Hey this is another Deck Spotlight and we are looking at The Kingpin of Crime, Wilson Fi… I mean Kingpin. The Kingpin deck is unique because it has 3 different ways of winning. It can win by dropping big giant supporting character, but also includes 2 game winning combos. Locations you are going to play a total of 27 Locations. The main reason you play so much locations is that you want to consistently hit your location drops to level up Kingpin. Also, when you get level 3 Kingpin you want to “Take Over the World” . You are going to play playsets of Fisk Tower, Headquarters, earth, red, yellow. Now usually it doesn’t matter what kind of red or yellow location you play, but for the four green and three blue you will need to play the predator versions (I’ll explain later). Let’s start with the character that will help you slow down your opponent and buy you time. Your one drops consist of four Iceman, four Wasp and 2 Cosmo. Early disruption from Icema

Wolverine Deck Spotlight

Ever since VS System was released there has been one character I have gravitated to the most, Wolverine. He has been one of my favorite marvel characters since the 90's cartoon show and the live action films.  RIP Len Wein My favorite types of decks in every TCG is the aggro deck. The type of deck in which the only point is to attack, untap and attack again. With Wolverine, it's simple attack and stun an enemy character, do it 3 times and get better attack stats.  With the release of Legacy, we get access to a level 3. So, attack and stun two more times and get an even more aggressive Wolverine.  With every set release, I try and refine my wolverine deck. With Legacy, I decided to go mono X-men affiliation but with the release of Monsters Unleashed I decided to go back to the drawing board and came up with this.  Let's start with the location base. It's really basic with four X-Men wild locations, four skill locations and four might locations. A

How does the new release schedule affect the competitive scene

                 This release schedule is set to drastically impact the competitive scene of VS System. Now the competitive scene for VS System has been a bit off. With new sets being released either months apart or a month apart. When Defenders was delayed and delayed we got it only with a month apart from the release of A-Forces. In turn, this didn't leave any breathing room for the 50+ set before another 50+ set was released. This probably hurt Defenders as it was seen as a weak expansion. Players only gravitated to Shock to the System, Punisher and Luke Cage Main Character. In a month, the format changed with players gravitating to A-Forces main characters of Captain Marvel, Mystique, Dark Phoenix and Sister Grim. Defenders didn't get too much love for their Main Characters. Even with new cards, they interacted very little with the past expansions as each new expansion just kept releasing new team affiliations. Currently we have 72 main characters, perh

A shift in the release schedule 2018

In 2017, as of the writing of this post had 3 expansions released for VS System. We had Marvel Legacy, Predator, and Monster Unleashed with a 4 th untitled Marvel set to be released in November. The Marvel Base Set was the only release in 2015 and in 2016 we had 3 set releases, Defenders, A-Forces and Aliens. So, it looks like each year we had a small gradual increase in set releases. Though it seems that it will be radically different in 2018. In an interview with ICv2, Bubby Johanson, the Senior Product Manager for Upper Deck Entertainment, will be changing its release approach. The idea will be monthly releases of 56-60 cards a month. ICv2 Article                 Another change for expansions is that there will be storylines throughout them. We are supposedly getting a Hydra vs Shield and something involving the X-men and the Avengers.                 There are many pros and cons to this change in schedule.                 One of the biggest difference in

A New Season, A New Beginning

     Hey this is Dredd 2PCG and I'm back. Unfortunately my laptop have been unable to edit some of the videos I have been planning. I had box openings of both Marvel Legacy and Predator expansions. So until I am able to build a new computer for solely editing videos (not just for this channel) I will be doing blog posts on the topics I wish to cover.       Recently Gencon happened and I was unable to attend this year, but this year I'm going to try and work on the 2017-2018 season. I'm hoping for more tournaments, going to Gencon 2018 and experience the 10k tournament. I was able to get a friend to buy the Predator expansion and have already created a new deck that could be my absolute favorite. So with this blog page, I do have a schedule I want to follow.  Mondays - Deck Spotlights Tuesdays - Spoilers, Ban/ Erratas, Set releases, VS System 2PCG News Thursdays - Why (Franchise) should be in VS System Fridays - Set / Card reviews      Seems like a prett